How to become more giant, hulk, or more mini Ameba Pico

1. Download Cheat engine here download
2. Play ameba pico through opera,  google chrome browser or Firefox.
3. Open Cheat Engine (Start menu -> All Programs -> Cheat Engine 6.1-> Cheat engine 6.1) ,  that you have downloaded and installed, and choose opera or google chrome that you used for playing ameba pico. it will appear like the picture below.

4. Click open process like the picture above then choose  the browser that you used (if you use firefox, choose plugin-container.exe).

5. Look at the picture below, and equate with it.

  6. click First Scan button like the picture above. The result will appear like the picture below and follow it.

7. Tthere are two result appear, we will choose one of those as the right result that we will use to make pico hulk or mini. Right click on the results one by one,  by select "browse this memory region"  and find "currentNode.stand" like the picture bellow.
8. Now change currentNode.stand to currentNode.hulkd, then change the letter d to dot ( . ) by change the hexa code of d to 00.

9. Go to your pico and type /stand. If you want  grow more, type /stand several times.

10. Same either if you wanna be smaller, just change hulk to mini.. done.. thanks...

The video below is the another version tutorial about how to become hulk or mini used usamimi.

If no buddies understand me: ★☻Affandi☻★

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